Markets Chat®
Terms and Conditions

Last updated: May 30, 2024

These Disclaimers, Terms of Use, and Terms and Conditions can be modified at any time by Markets Chat (Markets Chat, Inc., Wyoming, US) without notice. Your continued use of the site indicates your acceptance of the Disclaimers, Terms of Use, and Terms and Conditions herein.

You are solely responsible for anything found within your posts, or your reliance on any information provided by the Markets Chat website or other associated channels, and you agree to indemnify and hold Markets Chat and its affiliates, sponsors, or other partners and employees harmless from any claim or demand related to its use, including attorneys' fees.

All information on this website is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice regarding the purchase or sale of securities, or any other financial instrument of any kind. Please consult with your financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

Markets Chat assumes no responsibility for the content of any posts on this site, Twitter, YouTube or other associated channels, or for any results of your use of this information in trading or investment activities you undertake. The information provided on this website is not warranted against completeness or accuracy. Any trademarks or service marks referenced on this website are for identification purposes only, no claim is made to their use. The views expressed belong solely to their respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Markets Chat, its affiliates, sponsors, or employees.

You understand and agree that the owners of Markets Chat shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, data or other intangible losses (even if the owners of this site have been advised of the possibility of such damages), resulting from the use of or the inability to use the service(s), or any misuse of the service(s) in a manner not in accordance with their intended use.

Markets Chat reserves the right to disclose personal information or any content within its website or in its possession when required by law, or to protect and defend the rights or property of Markets Chat or its visitors.

Some posts or sections of the site allow you to download items to your personal computer. You understand that Markets Chat does not guarantee in any way that these items are safe, and in fact recommends you assume they are not safe and take all possible precautions if you want to use them. You are taking full responsibility for any item you download and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Markets Chat. If in doubt about whether a download is safe, you should not install or use it. This is especially true of any file in which you cannot read the source code directly. In addition, if you do find any item to be malicious, you should Report it immediately to the moderators so it can be reviewed for prompt removal.

Markets Chat has a strict policy of prohibiting the publication of copyrighted material on our site. You may not under any circumstances upload any copyrighted material. In the event you discover copyrighted material on the site, you should immediately report it to the moderators using the Report Post feature of the website so it can be reviewed for prompt removal. Markets Chat reserves the right to remove any material found to be infringing on others' intellectual property.

Markets Chat welcomes discussion and debate on its site so long as it is kept positive. We do not tolerate slander or rude/offensive behavior. In the event you discover questionable content on the site, you should immediately report it to the moderators using the Report Post feature of the website so it can be reviewed for prompt removal.

Membership within the Markets Chat community is not a right. Your membership may be revoked at any time, for any reason.

In addition, you agree to the following:
You will not harass, threaten or attack any other member on the site
You will not knowingly make any post that is false, misleading, or inaccurate
You will not use this site to violate any laws or discuss illegal activities
You will not impersonate another person or entity or disguise the origin of your posting
You will not create more than one user account on the site
If your account is terminated/revoked for any reason, you will cease posting and cease use of the site
We make no guarantee of the authenticity of any member of the community
Markets Chat "Elite Memberships" fees are non-refundable
We are under no obligation to honor any requests to delete your own posts or other content
You will be banned if you share any Elite content with anyone who is not a current Elite Member in good standing

Take note that Markets Chat will NEVER send you any emails asking you for sensitive information like your broker username, password or any sensitive account information. You should report phishing attempts to your broker immediately so they can contact law enforcement.

Vendors and Self-Promotion

We have a zero tolerance policy with vendors using posts in our community to promote their business without prior permission. If you are affiliated with a vendor or are selling anything then you must Register as a Vendor before making any post so that your account is clearly flagged as a vendor. Further, vendors are not permitted to make any posts in which you promote your business in any way. This means no promotional posts linking to your website, blog, videos, screenshots showing indicators or systems, or any discussing of products, services, testimonials. Doing so will result in you being banned.

Referral Links

We disallow posting of referral links, which are links whereby the user may earn a commission, bonus, or other type benefit when the links are clicked or products/services purchased.

Discord Links

We disallow Discord links due to abuse by vendors, using them as a way to pitch to our membership and bypass our site rules. This means that across the board we disallow Discord links, even if the Discord was established for completely innocent purposes. Sorry, you can thank abusive vendors for this.

Data Scraping or Automation

Any use of automated algorithms, and/or devices to search, access, acquire, copy, monitor, or distribute any portion of our website, or any content published on our website for any purpose, is strictly prohibited. This includes but is not limited to 'robots', 'spiders', or 'scrapers' and other such data extraction tools.

Other Links that trigger "Content Not Permitted" Message

If you receive a Content Not Permitted message and after reading our policy you are still unsure as to why, you may Contact Us to request more information.

File Attachments

Some posts or sections of the site allow you to download items to your personal computer. You understand that Markets Chat does not guarantee in any way that these items are safe, and in fact recommends you assume they are not safe and take all possible precautions if you want to use them.

You are taking full responsibility for any item you download and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Markets Chat. If in doubt about whether a download is safe, you should not install or use it. This is especially true of any file in which you cannot read the source code directly.

As a general policy, we make a best-effort to not allow DLL files. Never upload a DLL file. This is because a .dll file is an executable file that does not contain source code (the human-readable program) that can be examined to determine what it does. Instead, it is in a compiled form that contains only computer-readable instructions that are directly executed by the computer, without the possibility of human review. It therefore represents a potential risk and we cannot allow these types of files (files of either type ".dll" or ".exe") to be posted on the site. If you encounter a DLL file on the site, please Report it to the moderators.

If you do find any item to be malicious, you should Report it immediately to the moderators so it can be reviewed for prompt removal.

Undesirable Topics such as Politics and Religion

Some topics are like grabbing the third rail with both hands. In a forum dedicated to trading, it is best for us to spend our time wisely. To that end, we strongly discourage posts about politics or religion. We all may laugh from the occasional meme, but for the most part these topics should be completely avoided.

Please use the Report Post feature to bring attention to posts that should be flagged or removed. We do reserve the right to remove any content we feel will disrupt our community.

Site Sponsors

We reserve the right to name some recipients as "Site Sponsors". Doing so does not guarantee any level of service, and we make no representation to the quality of their products or services. If you should experience any problem from a Site Sponsor, we very much would like to hear from you using the contact us form. While legally we cannot make promises, it is very important to us that Site Sponsors conduct themselves as industry leaders.< br/>
Site Sponsors sign a legally binding contract where it is understood that we will deliver certain marketing services in exchange for payment from the vendor. There are no refunds. Any and all decisions regarding the relationship are to be made by us, and our decision is final.

Commodity Futures Trading Commission Futures required disclaimer

Commodity Futures Trading Commission Futures and Options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures and options markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. This is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell futures, stocks or options on the same. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this web site. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results.



Markets Chat reserves the right at any time to limit access to, modify, change or discontinue the services of this site with or without notice to You and we shall not be liable to you for any such modification, suspension or discontinuance of the services.


This is a community website that offers an online platform for the users to rate and comment upon the performance of the companies and organizations who are listed as members.

Markets Chat ('Website') is owned, managed, and operated by Markets Chat, Inc. ('Company' or 'We' or 'Us' or 'Our), a Wyoming, US corporation.

All the ratings and comments posted on different parts of the Website reflect the personal opinion(s) of the users of this Website. The Website is a mere platform for the users to express their opinions on different Companies and provide this information as a service to its users. We neither endorse any of such ratings and comments, nor recommend any company or organization that is listed on this Website.

By using this Website or any features thereof, you understand, acknowledge and agree to be legally bound by the provisions contained herein. In the event you disagree with any of the clause(s) or sub-clause(s) of this Agreement, you understand and acknowledge that your sole legal remedy against the Company is to cease any further usage of this Website.

This Terms and Conditions Agreement ('Agreement') and our Privacy Policy, which is hereby incorporated into this Agreement by reference, form the entire agreement among the users of this Website in whatever capacity they use this Website ('You' or 'Your') and the Company, pertaining to the subject matter dealt with herein. Any and all prior understandings and agreements, whether in writing or oral, among the parties hereto, pertaining to the subject matter dealt with herein, are superseded by the provisions of this Agreement.


We reserve the right to amend and update this Agreement in whole or in part at any time in our sole discretion, without notice. All such updates come into effect immediately upon their posting. We strongly advise you to visit this web page often to remain updated on the latest provisions of this Agreement. Your continued use of this Website constitutes your acceptance of the amended Agreement and Terms and Conditions.


Membership to the Website is void where prohibited.

By registering on this Website or using any of the features thereof, you represent and warrant that -
(a) You have the right, authority, and capacity to enter into this Agreement;
(b) You shall abide by all the terms and conditions set forth herein, as well as any applicable law for the time being in force;
(c) Your use of the Website does not violate any rights of the third party;
(d) Any information provided on the Website at any time is truthful and accurate to the best of your knowledge;
(e) You shall, at all times, keep your information on the Website current and updated;
(f) You shall create and maintain only one account on the Website, and that too for exclusive personal use;
(g) You shall refrain from indulging in, disseminating or promoting any kind of obscenity on the Website either directly or indirectly; and You shall not use any feature(s) available on or through this Website for the purposes of revenge or as a medium to vent your ire against any company.
(h) Membership is available only to those eighteen (18) years of age and older.
(i) Membership is disallowed wherever prohibited by user's local laws.

The violation of any of the provisions contained hereinabove may result in termination and/or suspension of your membership on the Website. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, we reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to delete all the ratings/comments/postings of the offending member.

In case of termination of membership, we reserve the right to retain any and all your information for administrative and legal obligations, for such duration of time as required under the applicable law.


The members shall be solely responsible and liable for:
(a) the maintenance of confidentiality and security of their password;
(b) any disclosure of their password to any third party via any medium whatsoever;
(c) using the account of any other member, at any time;
(d) all authorized or unauthorized uses of their account; and
(e) Notifying the Company immediately in case of a suspected breach of their account.

Reserved Right of Termination

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, we reserve the right to terminate your membership of the Website at any time without any notice to anyone, and for any reason whatsoever including, without limitation, violation of:
a) any provision contained herein; or
b) our Privacy Policy; or
c) Any applicable law.


Membership of the Website is free. However, we reserve the right to make membership or access to any feature(s) of this Website chargeable, and to change the fee structure from time to time in our sole discretion. We further reserve the right to sell goods/services through the Website on payment of requisite charges.

Besides free membership, the Website also offers Elite Membership at a one-time non-refundable fee of (USD) $100 for lifetime access. Elite Membership enables the members to access certain privileged and reserved sections of the Website, which provide better services and features.

Proprietary Content

This Website contains text, blog posts, images, logos, videos, sounds, graphics, artwork, other works of authorship, or other materials (collectively referred to as 'Content'), which is either proprietary to the Company or the Company has a valid license from its owner(s) to use such Content on the Website. This Content is protected by national and international intellectual property laws and treaties pertaining to copyright, trademark, patents, trade secret and other laws. We retain all rights in such Content on the Website.

The Company hereby grants you a limited, revocable and non-sub-licensable license to download, display, and reproduce the Content (excluding any software code) solely for your personal use in connection with viewing the Website and using any features thereof. Any use of Content outside the scope of this license is strictly prohibited.

Advertisers Content

The Company has not evaluated or verified content provided by Advertisers for its accuracy, and The Company does not make a recommendation or in any way endorse the Advertisers products or services. This includes, but is not limited to, posts made by Advertisers or their representatives, webinars presented by Advertisers or their representatives, and banner ads displayed from Advertisers.

User-Posted Content

Members posting any content on the Website, as restricted by the Acceptable Use Policy of these Terms and Conditions, including without limitation, text, ratings, reviews, comments, blog posts, images, logos, videos, sounds, graphics, artwork, other works of authorship, or any other materials (collectively referred to as 'User Content'), shall enjoy full ownership to such User Content.

However, by posting any such User Content on the Website, you hereby grant the Company a limited, worldwide , non-exclusive, irrevocable, sub-licensable, fully-paid and royalty-free license to use, modify, publicly perform, publicly display, adapt, reproduce, and distribute such User Content on or through this Website or any online or offline media that the Company develops in future.

Acceptable Use Policy

In addition to specific items mentioned elsewhere within this document, the following User Content is not permitted from being posted on any feature of the Website:
a) false, inaccurate, harmful, threatening, abusive, violent, harassing, tortuous, defamatory, obscene, sexually repulsive, pedophilic, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;
b) impersonating any person or entity or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent anything or anyone;
c) transmitting or otherwise making available any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to disrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment;
d) soliciting passwords or personally identifying information for commercial or unlawful purposes from other users;
e) providing instructional information about illegal activities;
f) content that might infringe on the services of the Website or in any way interfere with the operation of the Website, including transmitting any material that may infringe, misappropriate or violate a third party's rights of publicity, contractual rights, fiduciary rights or intellectual property rights;
g) using any robot, spider, any automatic device, or manual process to monitor or copy the Website pages on this Website;
h) accepting payment or anything of value from other users or a third person in exchange for your performing any commercial activity on or through the Website, including without limitation, placing commercial content on member's profile, posting blogs or bulletins with a commercial purpose, or sending direct messages with a commercial purpose.

Member Representations and Warranties

By posting any User Content on this Website, you represent and warrant that:
(a) you will abide the terms and conditions of this Website, and all applicable laws;
(b) you are the full owner of such User Content, or otherwise have the right to grant license set forth in the aforementioned Clause 'User Posted Content';
(c) you will not submit reviews or commentary generally considered by the average viewer of such content as either harassing, libelous, abusive, threatening, obscene, profane, hateful, unlawful, offensive, harmful, vulgar, distasteful, defamatory, invasive of another person's privacy or proprietary rights, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable in any way;
(d) the User Content does not violate the privacy rights, publicity rights, copyrights, contract rights or any other rights of any person;
(e) the User Content does not violate any provision(s) contained herein or any other applicable law;
(f) you shall be solely responsible for the payment of all royalties, fees, and any other amount owing to any person for the User Content being proprietary to a third party;
(g) in case of ratings and/or comments about companies and organizations, such User Content are true and correct to the best of your knowledge;
(h) With regard to such User Content, you shall be solely responsible for violation of any contractual obligation with any person.


(a) The Company neither endorses nor recommends any company or organization, the ratings of which are provided on the Website. Furthermore, the Company disclaims any liability arising out of the posting of User Content. Nothing contained herein is intended to waive that continuing immunity.
(b) The Company is not responsible for any reliance made on the content on its Website by anyone or for accessibility or unavailability of any content on its Website.
(c) The Company does not claim any control or monitoring over the User Content nor does the Company necessarily review the User Content prior to posting. The User Content does not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the Company. We, therefore, make no warranties, express or implied, as to the User Content or to the accuracy and reliability of such User Content.
(d) We may, in our sole discretion and without any obligation, at any time without assigning any reason to anyone, monitor the User Content and remove any User Content. However, we disclaim any responsibility for the User Content to modify or remove any inappropriate User Content; and for the online or offline conduct of the user submitting any such User Content.
(e) We shall not be liable for any inaccuracy in the Content accessible through the Website, or the websites that are accessible from this Website through external links. Such linked third party websites are not controlled or verified for accuracy or completeness by the Company;
(f) We shall not be liable for any losses, monetary or otherwise, originating out of any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, user communications.
(g) We reserve the right to modify or discontinue the Website with or without any notice to anyone. You understand, acknowledge and accept that we do not guarantee uninterrupted or secure access to this Website, as the operation of this Website may be interfered with or adversely affected by numerous factors or circumstances beyond our reasonable control. (h) We shall not be liable for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of email or players on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any website or combination thereof, including injury or damage to users or to any other person's computer related to or resulting from participating or downloading materials in connection with this Website.
(i) This Website is provided on an "AS IS AND AS AVAILABLE" basis. Therefore, we disclaim any warranty of fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or periods of non-availability.
(j) This Website is not monitored for intellectual infringement made by User Content. Please contact us for making notice known of any infringements claimed by using the notice information contained herein.
(k) The Company does not guarantee any specific investment results from the use of this Website.
(l) No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained from the Company or the Website shall create any warranty not expressly stated in this Agreement.
(m) All information on this Website is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice regarding the purchase or sale of securities, or any other financial instrument of any kind. Please consult with your financial advisor before making an investment decision.
(n) Any trademarks or service marks referenced on this website are for identification purposes only, and no claim is made to their use.
(o) We shall not be liable for disclosing any personal information when required by law, or to protect and defend the rights or property of the Company or its visitors.
(p) This Website or any part thereof may allow you to download items to your computer system. We do not claim or guarantee in any way that these items are safe. We recommend you to take all necessary precautions to ensure your computer system does not get damaged in case of any malicious software downloaded from the Website. In case you find any malicious item for download on the Website, you should immediately report to the moderators for remedial action. You further agree to indemnify and hold the Company harmless from any claim whatsoever in such cases.
(q) We do not send any emails asking you for sensitive information, including without limitation, your broker username, password or any sensitive account information. Further, we recommend immediate reporting of phishing attempts to your broker for remedial action.
(r) Futures and Options Trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures and options markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. This is neither a solicitation nor an offer to buy/sell futures, stocks or options on the same. No representation is being made that any account will, or is likely to, achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this Website. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results.
(s) Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not been executed, the results may have under-or-over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will, or is likely to, achieve profit or losses similar to those shown.
(t) No representation is being made that any account will, or is likely to, achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed within this Website. Our course(s), products and services should be used as learning aids only and should not be used to invest real money. If you decide to invest real money, all

Contact Us

Markets Chat, Inc.
1309 Coffeen Ave #1200
Sheridan, WY 82801
Phone: +1 (331) 303-0001
Email: [email protected]

By using this site, you are agreeing to the Disclaimers, Terms of Use and Terms and Conditions as well as our Privacy Policy.